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Debra E. Merritt

22533 Electric Drive
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403
7:00 am - 3:00 pm
Monday - Friday

Treasurer's Office

All receipts and disbursements are administered through the Treasurer’s Office.

The Township Treasurer is responsible for the financial planning and reporting of Township funds, as well as the administration of payroll and retirement systems. The Township Treasurer is also responsible for preparing the Treasurer’s Reports for the monthly meeting, preparing the annual budget, purchasing supplies and materials as approved or directed by the Supervisors, and preparing and filing all required forms and reports required by state and federal governmental agencies.

The Treasurer’s goal is to provide accurate and timely records, to invest all of the Township's idle funds safely and in compliance with the Second-Class Township Code, to be at all times fiscally responsible, to assure that debt and obligations are settled in a timely manner, and to maximize revenues to which we are legally entitled.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Cambridge Township Treasurer, Debra E. Merritt at the Municipal Building at (814) 398-8327 or email

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