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Public Notice – Zoning Hearing Board Meeting and Hearing

Posted on June 4, 2020

Public Notice

The Zoning Hearing Board of Cambridge Township will hold a Public Meeting on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 7:00 PM, in the Municipal Building, for the purpose of organizing their officers for the year 2020, as well as conduct any other business that comes before the Board.

Immediately following the Public Meeting, the Zoning Hearing Board of Cambridge Township will hold a Public Hearing, on Tuesday, June 23, 2020 at 7:30 PM in the Municipal Building.  The purpose of the Hearing is to consider a Request for a Variance submitted by Timothy Fox, on behalf of XL Excavating, Inc., who desires to operate an excavating business which would include office space, a maintenance shop and material storage on property located at 25912 Route 19, Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania 16403.  All testimony will be heard on the above date and time.

Both the Public Meeting and Public Hearing will take place in the Cambridge Township Municipal Building located at 22530 Electric Drive, Cambridge Springs, Pennsylvania.  Persons with disabilities who wish to attend the meeting or hearing and require an auxiliary aid, service or other accommodation to participate in the meeting should contact the Municipal Building at (814) 398-8327.  Additionally, due to COVID-19 the attendees of the meeting and hearing will be requested to practice social distancing and are requested to wear a mask for the health and safety of others.  If any member of the public wishes to participate in the meeting or hearing remotely, please contact the Municipal Building at (814) 398-8327 to request the call-in telephone number and access code.

Cambridge Township Zoning Hearing Board – John Anderson, Chairman


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