Cambridge Township residents interested in garbage service are able to contract with any hauler of their choosing.
The Township does not provide or mandate garbage service for its residents nor do we recommend a specific company but we do provide contact information for local haulers.
Current Haulers that collect within our area are:
- Waste Management of Northwest PA, 975 Robison Road East, Erie, PA 16509 – Telephone: 814-824-7800
- Tri-County Industries, 159 TCI Park Drive, Grove City 16127 – Telephone: 724-748-4705
- Racoon Refuse, PO Box 164, Mill Village, PA 16427 – Telephone: 814-206-0615
- Braun’s Refuse Service, 1156 State Route 428, Oil City, PA 16301 – Telephone: 814-677-4658