Water and Sewer
Private Water Wells
- Most areas of the township have no access to public water.
- For these areas, any well driller or contractor can be contracted to do the work. No permit or approval is necessary.
Private On Lot Septic Systems
- Most areas of the township have no access to public sewer.
- For these areas, on lot septic systems may be the only option.
- Permits are required, and forms can be obtained from the Township's Sewage Enforcement Officer, Michael Rinkevich. To obtain a form, please contact Mr. Rinkevich at (814) 873-4294.
Public Water and Public Sewage
- Public water and public sewage can be found in some areas closest to the boundary lines with the Borough of Cambridge Springs.
- The public water and sewage systems are operated, maintained, and billed by Cambridge Area Joint Authority located at:
161 Carringer Street
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403
Telephone: (814) 398-2311