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Zoning Information and Forms

The 2016 Cambridge Township Zoning Ordinance establishes Zoning Districts where compatible uses of land may be located and grouped at appropriate densities to fulfill the community development goals and objectives and implement the Comprehensive Plan.

Each district has specific Permitted Uses, Accessory Uses, Conditional Uses, as well as Lot, Yard and Height Restrictions.

Zoning Certificates are required in order to occupy or use any land; construct, reconstruct, move, alter, or enlarge any structure (excluding normal maintenance and replacement of items such as windows, siding, and/or roofing, etc.); change the use of a structure or land to a different use; or change a non-conforming use to another use.

Documents and forms applicable to the zoning requirements are provided below in the Zoning Document List.

Once you have FULLY completed the Zoning Certificate Application, please return ALL required information to the Municipal Building.  Once received, the Zoning Officer will either approve or disapprove the application in conformance with the provisions of the Ordinance, within 30 days.

Please note that Applications must be accompanied by a site plan or location map, showing clearly and completely the location, dimensions and nature of any structure involved, and measurements of adjacent structures, as well as the property’s lot lines.  The filing fee for the Zoning Certificate is $20.00 and is due when submitting your Application.  (Public agencies are exempt from the required fees.)

Site plans do not need to be prepared by a design professional and may be sketched by the applicant in a legible form.

Zoning Certificates shall become null and void one year from date of issue.

If you have any questions, or if you are looking for specific regulations please contact Zoning Officer, Debra E. Merritt at (814) 398-8327, or email at

Parcel information for properties located in Cambridge Township can be found on the Crawford County GIS website at and by clicking the “Property Search” icon.   Please note that this information is provided as a tool only and you should contact the Township for final determinations or to verify all the information.

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